Services we offer

Accounting Software Automation

Accounting software automation, is the process of implementing (most likely) inherent automation features within accounting software packages and your business processes.

Most accounting packages have automation features such as bank feeds, email reminders, SMS messages and 3rd party linkages such as Zappier to create additional bridges.  

Bad Debt Collection Automation

Bad Debt Collection Automation, can increase your bottom line significantly. We usually focus on the following areas:

  • Accounting systems & bank feeds 
  • Reminders through email, SMS and automated scripted calls
  • If bad debts fall outside a certain time frame such as 30 days, then debt collection can be implemented

Debt collection accounts can be automated by sending the debtor directly to the collection agency. This is carefully planned process from the clients initial signup. 

Accounting Industry

Accounting industry, is such a large industry where automation can be implemented in the following ways:

  • Regulatory Technology
  • Automated debt collection software (for clients)
  • Automated cybersecurity & backups
  • Automated reminders of BAS lodgements

The accounting industry can be automated in many other ways. These are just indicative. 

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