Cybersecurity Use Case 

It’s no fad, the ‘Cybersecurity hype’ is real.

Four reasons you need some form of cybersecurity now.

The fact we depend on digital devices, networks for work, personal and everyday functioning has made us vulnerable. A misconception is we assume ‘someone’ OR ‘something’ will protect us. 

Cyber Crime is Accelerating

…and it’s only getting worse

Cyber crime continues to grow on a year–on-year basis. According to Adam Levin from Inc, the biggest surprising threat is from an insider attack. If we didn’t have enough troubles from the outside world, we have to watch out for a trusted person who may have breached our trust. Any data breaches must be reported to authorities.

In developed nations, approx every second internet user became a victim of cybercrime

A study in Germany found that every second user became a victim of cyber crime. Germany is developed economy with some of the latest engineering money and research can buy, what about the rest of the world? Unfortunately the figures don’t look good.


Cybersecurity talent gap is an industry crisis

With the increasing volume of cyber crime there is a widening gap of the good guys who protect us. Many studies have shown the world needs more cyber security trained professional as the bad guys are winning by the sheer volume.

NOTE: We are a cybersecurity agency which means we can be your outsourced speciliased department.

Exponential growth of Internet of Things (IoT) will compound current problems

Internet of Things (IoT) is when devices are connected to the internet. We all know the seemingless harmless microwave connected to the internet, but these home devices have teh capcaity to store malicious software and steal sensitive data like your credit and health files whilst transacting on your trusted network .

It’s not all doom and gloom.

Here is what we’re doing to stop the bad guys

With the large challenges, we need to think creatively to solve large social issues. Never in technological times have many rival companies worked together to share knowledge on how to combat cyber crime. 

Contribute to the threat intelligence community to reduce cybercrime

With the increasing volume of cyber crime there is a widening gap of the good guys who protect us. Many studies have shown the world needs more cyber security trained professional as the bad guys are winning by the sheer volume.

Deep analytics & Automation

Large data crunching software such as Splunk and Hadoop have the capacity to digest many numbers in real time. This can lead to automatically shutting down and triggering safety events.

Automation has the capacity to handle many work hours 24/7 which means increased safety and cheaper cyber solutions.

Better website and software development

Although we use openSource and free sofwtare, the fact that all software can be built with security in mind should inspire us to secure our data.

The fact is that many software developers aren’t trained in secure software development means we need to focus on re-developing software and continually improve.

Cybersecurity strategy, response and training

The costs of a Cyber Security Operations Centres (CSOC) can be very expensive, and uneconomical for most organisations. According to a study, a basic CSOC can cost USD $1.42 million to setup and run. This is particularly hard to digest for entities which need to comply with the secure data legislation, such as health, financial/accounting and other entities who deal with sensitive data and earn over AUD$3M in revenue annually.

Thankfully our Virtual CSOC is only a fraction of the cost, obtain a quote below.


Independent Creative Thought

Let’s face it, where there is a will there is a way. Cyber criminals may find payoff is well worth the effort, and criminals are only getting smarter and the stakes are increasing.


Before knowing what you will tell us (next step) we try to bend the rules, manipulate and try to compromise your systems. This is a basic preliminary step to gauge the level of security you currently have.


Blending is sharing what we now know about you and what you know to create a solid framework working on improving your systems.

Break & Repeat

Once all prior steps are taken, we then break or hack your systems. From brute force to social engineering, this is an important aspect to test your systems. We then patch, repeat and refine.

Ready to launch your cybersecurity project?

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