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Security Basics
Secure, backup and recover from any online threats.
Backups, disaster recovery & security patches
When things don’t go as planned, what will you you do?

Most business owners assume all will go well, however there are some hiccups that can have disastrous consequences. Hacked websites and dataloss can have a crippling effect.
Prevention is the best cure, but how do you know what to backup and if you have backsups, are you confident you can restore successfully?
We have helped many companies get back on their feet fast!
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) equals secure data
Users expect data to be safe & secure, don’t be a victim of malicious hacking.
When a website is asking you for sensitive information, make sure you notice the address bar and see if your login portal is secure/padlocked. Data security is important and if you don’t see this padlock, you need to ask yourself is your data safe?
Google has made changes to its search algorithms where websites with no security measures will be left behind or ranked lower in the search results.

Facebook is an example of a secure website