Securing Workplace PCs

Situations, Problems
& Solutions.



As organisations start, grow and thrive professionally securing our PC’s laptops and other workstations are some of the last things we think of. In some circumstances, lost or stolen company equipment could leave a backdoor open to access to your personal or organisations data.



Problems by not securing workplace PC’s can arise when they are stolen, disgruntled employees don’t return laptops, networked computers are accessed through other workstations in the trusted network or plain old nefarious activity.



Securing Workplace PCs

Marketing Service Agency Melbourne


Securing workplace PC’s is more than adding a password to your screen. It may involve encrypted data during transit and at rest. It could also mean disabling content or an operating system if it is stolen.

Need Secure Workplace PCs?

Securing Windows Operating Systems

Securing windows workplace PC’s is important as its one of the most popular operating systems.

Windows has many features and each feature may have a vulnerability. Securing workplace PCS which use windows operating systems may sound like a simple, task, and it is. Yet the attacks come in many forms, where we try to avoid data breaches by unauthorized use of workplace PCS. We start by checking all patches, and if requested check the applications to make sure they are secure.

Securing MAC Operating Systems

Securing MAC operating systems is critical to avoid any security leaks.

MAC operating systems have a reputation for secure Operating Systems. This doesn’t mean that your machine is totally safe from human interference. Leaving your machine insecure can open workplace threats by loading your operating system to a rogue operating system. Encrypting data at rest is one of many ways we can suggest in regards to securing your workplace pc.


Setting a standard is about setting a baseline.

Part of the workplace PC securitization involves what is called baselining. We create a basic baseline of what your manufacturer sees as the baseline. If needed we can also set a baseline with what your company security policy requires. Additional security checks can be items such as two-factor-authorization and other means.

Having a baseline is important. This can help with further security analysis such as anomaly detection.

Ready to secure your workplace PCs?

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