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Phishing attacks
Social Engineering
Social Engineering is an attack to impart the sensitive information by manipulating other individuals. This attack is only possible cause of human errors which means an attacker will try to manipulate or trick the victim into sharing...
Application layer threats and solutions
SSL certificate vulnerabilities Certificate name mismatch The SSL certificate mismatch means that the domain name of the website does not match the domain name which has been mentioned in the SSL certificate. It is essential that website domain name must match with...
Denial-of-Service Attacks
When cybercriminals or attackers flood the traffic on the server and not giving time to respond to the request, it is called Denial-of-Service attack. In this attack, it is hard to manage the servers because sometimes an attack can be done by number of systems at the...
Malware Attacks
Malware is software which is designed to target the intimate information such as credentials, payment details and so on. Any business, person and government can be affected by malware attacks. Ransomeware is an example of malware software which tries to encrypt all...
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks
Man-in-the-middle is a type of cybersecurity attack in which a bogus or malicious person slides into a conversation between two parties without knowing them. The attacker will pretend as sender and receiver for both the parties and gets the access to the confidential...