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Android security risks
AWOL (Android Wake On LAN) Androids In android smart devices, the percentage of losing data is higher than any other smart devices and most of the people are not able to restore their intimate data. Solution There are some solutions to save the informative...
SSL endpoint vulnerabilities
Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS (BEAST) The BEAST attack can easily compromise block cipher due to reason that using older versions of Secure Socket Layer protocol or Transport Layer Security protocol. Hackers can target intimate information by using a...
SSL certificate vulnerabilities
The SSL certificate vulnerabilities could be caused by certificate name mismatch, internal names, and missing fields of the certificate. The detailed introduction of each is as follows: Certificate name mismatch The SSL certificate vulnerabilities could be...
Advantages of virtual cybersecurity operations center (Virtual CSOC)
Benefits of a Virtual CSOC Cost reduction The benefit of using virtual cybersecurity operations center is a cost reduction in spending currency on setting up the Cyber Security Operations Center and hire more personnel to operate and manage installed systems....
Improvements for cyber security operations center
What is CSOC? CSOC stands for Cyber Security Operations Center and it is also known as other names. It has an essential role in protecting the business from unofficial events happening in the network and it contains the services such as monitoring & recording,...
What are the ITaaS benefits?
Four types of ITaaS benefits ITaaS benefit 1: Enthusiastic surveil and examine The purpose of ITaaS is to monitor and examine proactively to deliver better service to the clients or users. This service is used to recognize any evidence of the existence of an...