
The phishing attack is the most common and effective way of hacking to access someone’s intimate information. In this attack, an attacker will use different ways or methods such as electronic mails (Emails), short message service (SMS), and so on to influence user or victim to visit a malicious website or click on malicious links.

The initial step for an attacker is to attract the visitors to visit any specific malicious website or bogus website which should look legitimate for the user or victim. It can be done by phishing messages which will convince the user which is a trap for the victim to enter sensitive data or information. For instance, the victim received a text message from a bank in which the bank is asking to enter account details or else the account will be closed permanently. However, the victim clicked on the link and start entering all the bank account details urgently without knowing that it could be a malicious text message. Through all these details, the cybercriminal can access the victim’s bank account and withdraw all the money from the account. This is all possible because of victim’s involvement which can also be called as human error.

phishing attacks


How to stop phishing attacks

The user or victim should be aware of uninvited text messages, emails and phone calls especially asking for sensitive information such as bank account details, personal credentials and so on. The victim should attempt to substantiate or confirm the identity of that individual by approaching or notifying the company without any intermediary. The events should be organized which are related to awareness training of companies’ employees or end users, will be helpful to reduce the security risks and vulnerabilities for companies or any other individuals.


Need any help with phishing attacks?

Written by Julio Del Cid from DelCorp Data. Julio Del Cid can help with phishing attacks. If you need assistance you can visit our contact page and request a call-back about phishing attacks.

DelCorp Data is a cybersecurity agency which specializes in software-based attacks and overall cyber protection of your organization. Contact us on 1300 del corp / 1300335267. We are an Australian company based in Melbourne.