Services we offer
3rd Party Web Developer Assessment
3rd Party Web Developer Assessment, is the process of analysing the work by other developers.
This important service audits the work of other developers to assess the work completed against the project brief.
An important aspect is the expected security flaws, as software developers are not security specialists. We can audit both programming work completed and go the extra step and analyse security vulnerabilities .
3rd Party Web Developer Patching
3rd Party Web Developer Patching, is when the developer has completed a project to an acceptable / good standard.
3rd party patching can be simply be in the following services:
- Security patching
- Platform patches
- Shortcomings in programming or
- Functional shortcomings
Security and platform patches can be completed on a frequent basis (recommended) or a once off job.
3rd Party web re-development
3rd party web re-development, is when a web developer has claimed to finish a project but the client is left in a dis-array.
The client needs the work completed and is behind. Our service does not pick up where the incompetent developer left off, as the work was not salvagable.
We start afresh and try to deliver faster, through an accelerated iteration process.